Wednesday, July 19, 2006

Manifesto for Youth

I came upon an article “Youth power in India's resurgence”. That prompted me to post something I wrote long ago.

Only the youth of today can do something. Because only they have the innocence, the ideals, the indignation, the integrity and the energy that is needed to re-weave our tattered moral, ethical, spiritual fabric. Upon them does the future depend. No heroes of the past have been as heroic as what is now called for.

Youth need a positive message. Begin some good work. This should be with a vision, a vigour, a purpose and a commitment – above all, for oneself. Life is too valuable, too full of promise, too rich, to be frittered away. Nothing short of the full attainment of human potential should be the goal for the youth of India. And in this shall be India’s liberation.

We have much to be thankful for today, which we simply take for granted while lamenting this or that unpleasant fact. We are truly in a fortunate situation today compared to other periods in our long history as a civilisation, as a society, a people, a culture. But that is not what we are aware of.


Bonita said...

Yes. Youth must possess a positive outlook and acquire virtues, as the path ahead will test them, and, down the road there will always be detours and corruption. It takes strength to remain courageous and optomistic, to not dimminish that vision.

isaiah said...


Greetings and thanks for stopping by my blog and leaving your comments.

The youth (of India)and America are everything you say.

India is indeed in a very promising period and you are correct in that the youth must take the lead, remembering the past.

Everything is in order- continue your work, be inspiring to the youth where and when you can, and lead by example.


Anonymous said...

Very pretty design! Keep up the good work. Thanks.